Chinese warships, planes follow actions of US destroyer in Taiwan Strait

Chinese warships, planes follow actions of US destroyer in Taiwan Strait

F.P. Report

BEIJING: On November 24, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy dispatched ships and aircraft to monitor the operations of the US Navy de-stroyer Milius (Arleigh Bu-rke class) as it passed thr-ough the narrow strait separating the mainland and T-aiwan on Tuesday morning.

It was the first such crossing of the Taiwan Strait since President Xi Jinping and his American counterpart Joe Biden held a video summit earlier this month, at which the Ch-inese President warned Bi-den that supporting Taiwa-n’s independence would be “playing with fire.”

We remind you that the destroyer Milius is equi-pped with two launchers of the Aegis missile defense system, as well as the launchers of the Harpoon or Tomahawk anti-ship cru-ise missiles.

The US Seventh Fleet said the destroyer’s passage through the Taiwan Strait on Tuesday was a routine transit.

PLA spokesman Zhao said: “US warships have repeatedly demonstrated their strength and carried out provocations in the Taiwan Strait under the guise of freedom of navigation. This is not a promise of freedom and openness, but a deliberate action aimed at destroying regional peace and stability. The US must immediately correct its mistakes, stop playing with fire.”

Earlier, Russian radar systems escorted a US strategic reconnaissance aircraft that flies around the Kaliningrad region, a source familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti.

According to FlightR-adar-24, a US strategic rec-onnaissance aircraft Boeing RC-135 with tail number 6-4-14842 and callsign JA-KE11 is flying around the Russian enclave.

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