
China sends Urumqi destroyer to Gulf of Oman

China sends Urumqi destroyer to Gulf of Oman

BEIJING (TASS): The Na-vy of the People’s Liber-ation Army of China sent the destroyer “Urumqi” to the Gulf of Oman for joint naval exercises CHIRU-2Q22 with Russia and Iran. This was announced on Thursday by the Ministry of Defense of China.
“China sent the Urumqi missile destroyer, the Taihu integrated supply ship, sh-ipborne helicopters and 40 marines to participate in the exercise,” the ministry said in a statement posted on the WeChat social network.
The exercise is aimed at deepening practical cooperation between the navies of the three countries, the Chinese ministry said.
Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that from January 18 to January 22 of this year, the Russian-Chinese-Iranian naval exercises CHIRU-2Q22 are being held in the Gulf of Oman and the airspace above it. From the Russian side, a detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet takes part in them as part of the Guards Order of Nakhimov missile cruiser “Varyag”, the large anti-submarine ship “Admiral Tributs” and the large sea tanker “Boris Butoma”.
As part of the exercises, artillery firing at a sea target, joint tactical maneuvering, search and rescue at sea are envisaged. The organization of inspection activities and the release of a ship captured by pirates will be worked out.

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