
British intelligence: Russia and China main cybersecurity threats

British intelligence: Russia and China main cybersecurity threats

LONDON (TASS): The UK’s National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) believes that Russia and China pose the greatest threats to the country in terms of cyber attacks. This is stated in the annual report released on Wednesday by the intelligence service at the UK Government Communications Center.
“NCSC continued throughout the year to work with partners around the world to identify and suppress common threats, the most systemic of which emanate from Russia and China. In addition to direct cybersecurity threats from the Russian state, it became apparent that many of the members of organized crime groups, who carry out ransomware attacks on Western structures are based in Russia. China remains a highly sophisticated player in cyberspace with increasing ambitions to spread its influence beyond its own borders, as well as with a clear interest in the trade secrets of Great Britain, “- states in report.
It emphasizes that strengthening the kingdom’s cyberspace security over the next decade is likely to depend largely on how China’s cyberspace tools evolve.
In addition, the report expresses the opinion that Iran and the DPRK, “albeit in a less sophisticated form than the Russian Federation and China, continued to resort to digital invasion to achieve their goals, including through theft and sabotage.”
NCSC also once again outlined the version according to which the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service is probably behind the hacking of the software of the American firm SolarWinds. Russian President’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov previously indicated that Moscow was not involved in hacker attacks on US government agencies and companies. According to him, “any accusations of Russia’s involvement are absolutely unfounded and are rather a continuation of the blind Russophobia, which is resorted to in any incident.”
In total, for the reporting period from September 1, 2020 to August 31 of this year, NCSC identified 777 incidents in cyberspace, which is 54 more cases than a year earlier. At the same time, about 20% of organizations that asked for help as a result of cyber attacks worked in the field of healthcare and pharmaceuticals.
“The coronavirus pandemic has reshaped the cybersecurity landscape. Cybercriminals have used the pandemic as an opportunity while hostile states shifted their focus of operations to theft of vaccines and medical research and subversion against other countries already hit by the crisis,” the authors of the report note, without specifying what particular states are we talking about in this context.

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