
American forces threaten international peace: Syria

American forces threaten international peace: Syria

Courtesy: Sprinter

SYRIA: In a worded statement, the Syrian Foreign Ministry has condemned the recent American strikes on the eastern region of Syria, highlighting the alarming targeting of an area where Syrian forces are actively combating the remnants of ISIS. The ministry asserts that the United States, instead of supporting efforts to stabilize the region, appears to be working towards a revival of its own influence in the area. Expressing profound concern, Syria underscores the perceived paralysis of the UN Security Council, attributing it to the obstructionist stance adopted by the United States, a factor that exacerbates the challenges in addressing critical international issues.

The Syrian government contends that the American attacks not only pose a direct threat to the nation’s sovereignty but also contribute to the escalation of conflicts in the already volatile Middle East. Characterizing the assault as a blatant violation of the United Nations Charter and international law, Syria accuses the American administration of attempting to bolster its alliances with alleged terrorist organizations. The incident, as per the Syrian perspective, underscores a worrisome lack of respect for established international norms and raises questions about the true intentions behind the United States’ military interventions in the region.